
Yes, After-Work Drinking Is a Serious Workplace Issue

drinking after work

In many organizations, drinking at work is even encouraged, with some companies proudly promoting their Thursday afternoon beer cart perks for recruitment purposes. If you find that you can’t control your drinking, or know a loved one who is struggling with addiction, know that there is help out there. At AAC, we’re open and committed to providing critical care in a safe environment, even during the ongoing pandemic. If you’re ready to quit drinking and reclaim your life from addiction, call now, or click to chat.

After-Work Drinking and Liver Health

You say alcohol “isn’t even relaxing anymore,” so go on a pilgrimage to find something that is. You deserve a dose of pleasure waiting for you at the end of the day, every day—something therapeutic that whisks you from fatigue to relief, relief to sleep, and sleep to a bright, energetic morning. Sunnyside uses a psychology-based approach to help you drink more mindfully, no matter what your goal is. You’ll get a 100% custom plan, then use daily texts to track your progress and help you stay on target. The pressures on you are likely to persist, and you will continue to need to decompress at night. With all of that being constant, your best bet is to take a look at the ritual—or tool—you’re using to mark that daily transition and blow off steam.

Causes of Alcoholism in the Workplace

The habit of unwinding with alcohol can become a coping mechanism, potentially evolving into dependence. This addiction can strain relationships as individuals may prioritize drinking over spending quality time with family or fulfilling professional commitments. When employees are struggling with alcohol addiction, they should receive professional treatment. Treatment typically begins with medical detox to help patients manage alcohol withdrawal symptoms. shrooms and alcohol Regular after-work alcohol consumption presents a risk not only to physical health but also to mental well-being.

Organizational cultures differ in how they manage social control of drinking norms. In some settings, mechanisms for social control are disabled, while in others, they are enabled, shaping the drinking behaviors of employees. The presence of liquor stores in certain communities, particularly among minority populations, can increase access to alcohol, influencing social drinking habits. Furthermore, cultural factors such as beliefs, attitudes, subjective norms, and expectancies about alcohol use play a critical role in shaping individual and group drinking behaviors. Happy hour has also become a substitute for networking and brainstorming, with a drinker nose third of the American workers surveyed saying that getting drinks after work promotes team bonding. Workplaces that encourage drinking marginalize the many Americans—as many as 30 percent—who don’t drink at all for whatever reason.

drinking after work

It sounds like you’re highly aware of how you feel physically, and that’s a huge asset when you’re trying to change a habit. Alcohol felt like a good stress reliever at first, but now it feels more “gross” than good. It’s making you feel crummy, and you’re craving the energy and clarity you had before this habit began. If you find yourself struggling to manage your drinking after work, it might be time to seek professional help. Once you’re in recovery, your EAP counselor can meet with you and your supervisor to go over your ongoing treatment, job requirements, and if you need work adjustments or close supervision.

Moreover, repeated binge drinking, defined as consuming multiple drinks in a short timeframe, has been correlated with an increased likelihood of developing prehypertension, a precursor to full-blown hypertension. This type of drinking behavior can also produce immediate changes in circulation, heightening the risk of cardiovascular disease in otherwise healthy young adults, as outlined by the American College of Cardiology. When drinking is deeply embedded in a company’s culture, it can become a crutch and a substitute for the very kind of connection that managers hope to foster when they organize happy hours. Carmen Bush, an employee at a tech company in the Bay Area, said her company’s weekly “TGIF” party starts at 4 p.m. “My co-workers would grab six bottles and stake out a table and we would all just hunker down and start pounding it,” she says.

Effective Strategies to Manage After-Work Drinking Habits

The risk of overconsumption in a workplace (or work-related) setting can have serious repercussions for both the individual and their company. drinking when bored The average post-work booze session lasts almost two hours, adding substantially to an already long day on the job. This can contribute to exhaustion, brain fog, and overall lower productivity among workers. Arielle Castillo, a content producer for a soccer club based in Manchester, England, told me the constant drinking and party atmosphere at a former workplace became so relentless and exhausting that she found another job. “It can be really hard to draw boundaries in that environment,” she said, especially when networking and seeming like “one of the guys” centers on alcohol-fueled events.

Alcoholism at Work: Signs, Causes, Effects & Treatment

It’s important to understand personal limits and goals when considering alcohol consumption. Ultimately, it’s about creating a sustainable plan that supports one’s health and happiness, and sometimes, seeking professional guidance or support groups can be a crucial step in this journey. The amount of alcohol and the duration of its use necessary to lead to ALD can vary, but research indicates a threshold of consumption exists above which the risk for liver disease significantly increases.

  1. The center’s team of professionals works closely with each patient to create and continuously adjust treatment plans that ensure long-term success.
  2. A 2019 study found that when employers or supervisors initiate drinking events, employees feel obligated to participate.
  3. Professional treatment programs and support groups can provide the necessary assistance for those struggling with after-work drinking turning into dependence and addiction.
  4. Furthermore, research has shown that alcohol use during pregnancy is extremely hazardous, leading to developmental and congenital disabilities categorized as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs).
  5. Professional help should be considered if you find yourself needing to drink more to achieve the same level of intoxication or if withdrawal symptoms become apparent.

Recognizing the specific triggers that lead to after-work drinking can help individuals break the cycle by altering their routine to avoid these cues or replace the habit with a healthier activity. Negative work experiences have been linked to heavy drinking and drinking during and after work. This means that factors like toxic work cultures and job dissatisfaction can increase the risk of alcohol misuse among employees. In seeking professional help, it is crucial to consult with a primary care provider or seek referrals to specialists with addiction expertise. Trusted resources include the Substance Use Treatment Facility Locator and reputable organizations such as the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) and the Association for Addiction Professionals (NAADAC).